What is Handshake?

Handshake is the one-stop online career management system for students of the University of South Florida Sarasota-Manatee campus.
In addition to being the place where you can search and apply for internships, part-time, and full-time jobs, you can also use Handshake to:
- Upload a resume and complete your online career profile
- Allow your online career profile and resume to be viewable by employers
- Schedule and keep track of your appointments in one location
- View and sign-up for local and on-campus career events
- Research contact information for local and national employers
- Search for and apply to open positions
Who is eligible to use Handshake?
All USF students and alumni can access Handshake. Appointment are available based on your preference of home campus. Should you have difficulty accessing Handshake, contact the following:
USF Sarasota-Manatee campus
C 107
USF St. Petersburg campus
(727) 873-4129
SLC 2300
USF Tampa campus
(813) 974-2171
SVC 2088
USF Sarasota-Manatee campus Students
All active USF Sarasota-Manatee campus students have an account created for them at the start of their first semester. To access your account for the first time, go to usf.joinhandshake.com . All students must use their full mail.usf.edu email to sign-in. Please review the How do I sign-up for Handshake page to begin.
USF St. Petersburg and USF Tampa campus Students
Because all USF campuses are using Handshake, students can only access their home campus’ system. Please contact your respective Career Services office to gain access.
USF Sarasota-Manatee campus Alumni
All USF Sarasota-Manatee campus graduates have free, lifetime access to Handshake. Additional services are available to alumni and some may have a nominal fee associated with them.
If you do not already have a Handshake account, please DO NOT create one. You will not be synced to USF and will be unable to see and apply for jobs. Instead, please email Sar-Careers@usf.edu with the following information:
- Your First and Last Name
- Your USF Email Address
- Your U#
- The semester and year in which you graduated